VIEW HealthBit XII: New Year, New Intentions

Every year, when January 1st rolls along, we all talk about New Year’s Resolutions. What if this is year is different? What if we talk about New Year’s Intentions…and never look back?! Before we dive in to an exploration of intentions, let’s look at the definition of resolution (as per google)…




  1. a firm decision to do or not to do something
  2. the action of solving a problem, dispute, or contentious matter.

When we talk about New Year’s Resolutions we are talking about the first definition – a decision or plan for the New Year that we hope to achieve. But this mentality often sets us for disaster. These thoughts are often too big to attain- “I will go to the gym everyday”- and set us up for failure, which, often leads to the opposite outcome. Resolutions have no emotion behind them.

What if, instead, we reference google again and look at intentions…




  1. a thing intended; an aim or plan.
  2. the healing process of a wound.

An “aim or a plan”. I like that. There’s definitely more power in those words then there are in “a firm decision.” One intention implies one goal, with one set course of action. While the other- resolution– becomes more of a vague decision without a plan behind it.

On it was broken down pretty well:

To put it simply…

Intentions are goals with powerful, uplifting emotions behind them. Make them a daily occurrence, not a vague plan for the entire year.

Try this little exercise each morning. Get out of bed with a smile on your face and say to yourself, “Just for today I will….”

  • choose water over a sugary beverage
  • take 11,000 steps
  • choose a salad over a sandwich
  • donate instead of purchase
  • praise instead of complain

For as many great minds have said, “Energy flows where attention goes.”

Whatever your daily intention is, make it manageable, positive and focused. If it helps, write it down, make it your screen saver, or do whatever else you need to keep it in the forefront of your mind. Let’s try to make this year a year of optimism and intention.

New Year -> New Intentions -> New You

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