We all love to play with babies- hold them, rock them, smile at them. Physical play is actually a very important part of a child’s development: emotionally, neurologically and physically. However, there is something we also must all be aware of so that it is easily avoided. It is called Shaken Baby Syndrome. It is a very serious condition that creates a whiplash effect to the baby’s neck that could be the equivalent of the damage from a car accident. The musculature of the baby’s neck is highly underdeveloped, that’s why they cannot hold their heads up, and is thus very susceptible to excessive force. Motions that need to be avoided are extreme shaking and whipping of the head. Games and play activities to be careful of include throwing the baby into the air and catching him/her repeatedly, jogging while carrying the baby on back or shoulders, spinning the baby round and round overhead, bouncing him/her vigorously on an adult knee, swinging the baby around by the ankles and/or excessively shaking the baby. While some of these may seem ridiculous, they still have to be mentioned. Playing with your baby can be a very healthy and happy activity, but it can also be dangerous if caution is not used. This is not meant to scare anyone, just to bring an awareness of a potentially dangerous situation that can be easily avoided.