Sometimes the most profound exercises are done by assuming a position and holding it. These are known as isometric exercises, those in which the muscle does not change in length nor does the joint move. Each week we will go over a different, key isometric exercise as well as modifications and challenges.
Key Isometric Exercises:
- Forearm plank
- Side plank
- Supermans
- Wall squats
Forearm Plank
Keep your back straight, hold yourself up on your toes and balls of your feet, lower yourself down so that your elbows are bent at a 90 degree angle and you are holding yourself up on your forearms which are placed firmly on the floor.
If you ever feel like you are slipping on your feet it means you are putting too much weight on your feet. In that case check your arms, your elbows are most probably not below your shoulders in this case, so correct that. Start with 10 seconds and try to get to 90 seconds.
Modification: drop knees to the ground
Challenge: lift each foot a few inches off the ground for 5 seconds, alternating one then the other