While children are more apt to get earaches because of the shape of their Eustachian tubes (they are more horizontal in kids and become more vertical as we age), ear drainage issues can affect people of all ages. Thankfully there are a few natural remedies for earaches, and a few techniques that can help alleviate the pain. Most earaches are not initially bacterial. If any stagnant fluid is left unattended though, they can become bacterial, so early attention is key.
The following is my favorite three-part, at-home remedy:
- Topical—1-2 drops of warmed olive oil, mullein oil and/or garlic oil can be administered into the ear canal. I have always used a prepared product such as this.
- Lymphatic drainage massage using tea tree and/or lavender oil (or simply with a dry hand, always using very light pressure). Lymph drainage should be done in the following order:
- Behind the ears
- Down the neck towards the collarbones
- Under the collarbones outward in a horizontal plane
- Identify and remove inflammatory contributors (commonly sugar, dairy and/or gluten)