Dr. Alyssa’s Inspired Health Program

Email #7: Gut Health 101

This week I want to bring to your attention the wonderful world that is the human gut. There is so much more to the gut than science originally recognized. To break it down as simply as possible, I went with bullet points for this Inspired Health post. Hope this sheds some light on a commonly misunderstood topic.

  • Inside the human gut are 100 trillion bacteria– about three pounds worth
  • It is a very complex living system that outnumber the cells in body by a ratio of 10 to 1
  • There are good bacteria and bad bacteria, the goal is to keep the good outweighing the bad
  • Gut flora is a major player in the immune system (healthy gut flora = strong immune system)
  • Old theories that the large intestine just regulates water and forms the waste is no longer true
  • The end of the small intestine and beginning of the large intestine boast the most bacteria 
  • Enterobacteria and bifidobacteria are the early inhabitants of the gut, although differences in gut microflora composition exist between breast and formula fed babies, and vaginal vs. c-section delivered babies
  • Regardless of what composition of bacteria we start with, the choices we make along the way help to foster good bacteria
  • Food, exercise and a positive mental attitude are shown to increase the good bacteria in the gut and create a more diverse- and immune boosting- assortment
  • The vagus nerve is a direct line from the gut to the brain, thus the health of your gut will directly affect the health- and happiness- of your brain (and vice-versa)
  • Probiotic supplements are comprised of good bacteria, similar to the ones that should naturally reside in the gut, that can be ingested
  • Prebiotics are plant-fiber compounds that can be ingested and help stimulate the growth of good bacteria
  • Supplementing with a quality probiotic can help (my favorite adult probiotic is by Metabolic Maintenance, and my favorite children’s version is by Nature’s Way- feel free to email me for more information or visit our online dispensary)
  • Prebiotics can also be supplemented but are better ingested as food

Here are some foods that support a healthy gut:

  1. Bananas
  2. Beans
  3. Blueberries
  4. Cruciferous vegetables
  5. Fermented Foods
  6. Jerusalem artichokes
  7. Polenta

Not surprisingly, here is what wreaks havoc on the gut in large quantities:

  1. Sugar
  2. Refined Carbohydrates
  3. Processed Foods
  4. Fried Foods
  5. Animal protein

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