VIEW HealthBit XCII: Four Morning Stretches BeFore Getting Out of Bed

The following routine is very simple, and one I began performing each morning, many moons ago. As you get used to it, they should flow right into one and other. This nicely warms up muscles and joints and prepares them- and you- for the day ahead. This little routine should take no longer than two minutes. 

The stretches are as follows:

  1. Knees-to-chest
    1. Gently bend one knee and reach behind it to bring it towards your chest
    2. Bring other knee up next to the first
    3. From behind the knees, gently squeeze knees towards chest 
    4. Breathe into the low back, stretching it out

(image from:

  1. Spinal twist 
    1. Gently release one leg straight while keeping the other bent
    2. Pull the knee across the body to the other side 
    3. Look over the opposite shoulder
    4. Breathe deeply
    5. Release the first leg and repeat on the other side

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  1. Full Body stretch
    1. Roll onto your back again and slide head down off your pillow (option to move pillow under the hips)
    2. Extend both legs out straight, feet flexed with toes towards the ceiling
    3. Reach arms overhead, in the opposite direction of the toes
    4. Breathe deeply and imagine your body getting longer

(Image from:

  1. Wrist/forearm stretch
    1. Keeping legs straight, or bending them, interlock the fingers above the head
    2. Move arms from overhead to above the chest
    3. Press outwards releasing tension in hands, wrists and arms

(Image from:

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