VIEW HealthBit LXIV: AG’s Clean-Food Cleanse

AG’s Clean-Food Cleanse

All food should be organic, free range, cage free, fresh water and non-GMO
(whenever possible)

Start each day with ½ lemon squeezed into in a pint of water

Eat three small meals and two snacks/day comprised of only the allowed food as listed below

Two weeks are recommended. If, after the 14 days are up, you would like to test your sensitivity to any of the eliminated foods, you can systematically reintroduce each suspected food offender one at a time and note the changes to the body. If any adverse reactions occur, for example skin changes, bloating, headache, etc, these are noted and that food is eliminated again before the next one is reintroduced. It is a wonderful way to see if any food sensitivities exist without extensive blood work and invasive procedures.


Allowed: chicken, turkey, lean lamb and pork; legumes (except peanuts); cold-water fish (salmon, halibut, mackerel, trout, tuna)

Avoid: red meat, cold cuts, hot dogs, sausage, canned meat, soy, tofu, tempeh, shellfish, tilapia, eggs, peanuts

Dairy Products

Allowed: Non-dairy milk substitutes such as rice milk, oat milk, coconut milk, almond milk or other nut milks

Avoid: All dairy products including but not limited to: milk, cheese, cottage cheese, yogurt, ice cream, cream, and non-dairy creamers


Allowed: Potatoes, rice, arrowroot, amaranth, millet, quinoa,  tapioca, teff, buckwheat, oats (designated gluten free)

Avoid: Wheat, spelt, kamut, barley, rye, corn (all gluten-containing products)


Allowed: all vegetables (fresh or  frozen)

Avoid: canned and creamed vegetables


Allowed: all fruit (fresh, frozen or freshly juiced)

Avoid: dried, candied or packaged fruit or fruit juices



Allowed: Clear, vegetable-based broth, homemade vegetable, legume, chicken or turkey soup or chili

Avoid: canned or creamed soup; any with gluten-containing grains


Allowed: Water, fresh juices,  non-dairy milks, herbal tea (including green/matcha)

Avoid: coffee, black  tea, cocoa, dairy products, alcoholic beverages, soda (all types), juice and sweetened beverages


Allowed: Olive, coconut, flaxseed, safflower, sunflower, pumpkin, sesame, walnut, avocado oil, almond oil; homemade salad dressing made from allowed ingredients

Avoid: Margarine, shortening, butter, canola and soybean oil, processed and hydrogenated oils, pre-made salad dressings or spreads


Allowed: All nuts and seeds such as almonds, cashews, flax seed, pecans, pumpkin, sesame, squash & sunflower seeds, walnuts, hazelnuts, macadamia nuts, nut/seed butters made with allowed ingredients

Avoid: Peanuts/peanut butter (peanuts are legumes but as mentioned above should be avoided)


Allowed: Brown rice syrup, blackstrap molasses, raw honey, pure maple syrup, coconut sugar, cacao

Avoid: artificial sweeteners, sugar/brown sugar, chocolate, molasses, corn syrup, fructose


Allowed: all herbs and seasonings such as basil, bay leaves, caraway, chives, cinnamon, curry, dill, dry mustard garlic, ginger, mace, marjoram, mint, nutmeg, oregano,  parsley, balsamic or rice vinegar, savory, tarragon

Avoid: salt (except Himalayan crystal salt), soy sauce, mayonnaise, mustard, ketchup, relish, chutney, BBQ sauce, other condiments

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