Every day we are faced with choices. Some of us are wired to move through these easily. Others get hung-up along the way. Some take the small choices in stride, like what to wear or how much to tip, while others get lost when faced with big decisions, like how much money to invest or where to go on vacation. In this HealthBit I want to look at 10 small choices that- made each day- will have a BIG impact on your overall well-being. Choose wisely!
- Instead of chocolate, choose fruit (clementines are seasonal, sweet and easy to tote along)
- Instead of sugary/fake-sugary beverages, choose water (your body needs it to flush toxins and battle the dry heat from heaters)
- Instead of meat, choose vegetables (upping your intake of various vegetables gives your body extra ammo against seasonal afflictions)
- Instead of “doing one more thing” at night, choose sleep (it is integral to get 7-8 hours/night to keep the human body healthy)
- Instead of inactivity, choose movement (getting in at least a mile/day is not that difficult when you try)
- Instead of tv, choose a book (calming the nervous system while enlightening the mind is never a bad thing)
- Instead of a shower, choose a bath (soaking just once/week, especially in epsom salts, is relaxing and detoxifying)
- Instead of stress, choose breath (breathing exercises- like the one I recently shared- can calm body and mind)
- Instead of worry, choose faith (having faith in something greater than yourself, whatever that may be, has been shown to improve quality of life)
- Instead of hate, choose love (always)