VIEW HealthBit XVIII: Fighting Dis-ease (Part 2)

Here is the follow-up to Fighting Dis-ease (Part 1) with the other five key things I do for my well- being (besides eating well and taking supplements.)

1) Sleep. I love sleep. Not like I want to go to sleep during the day…ever…but at night when the sun is set and day is done I welcome it big-time. I have blackout shades in place in all the rooms where people sleep in my house. We dim the lights for about ½ hour before getting into bed to set the stage. Electronics go off ½ hour to an hour before bed as well. Peacefulness is the goal. I shoot for 7 to 8 hours each night, and like to be in bed, fully ready for slumber by 10pm…10:30 latest. I accomplish this most days. Sometimes I cheat and take a 1/2mg of melatonin before bed. I firmly believe some of us don’t make as much as others, and more and more research is showing the significance of sound, solid sleep, in everything from cellular health to mental stability. That is not something that agrees with everyone so please consult your physician before adding that to your routine.

2) Get Adjusted. I see my chiropractor every two weeks. Yes, of course, the chiropractor has a chiropractor. At times I have gone once/week, and sometimes it turns into once/month, but every two weeks is my magic number. With that I know my nervous system is functioning well and doing what it should be doing. That’s all chiropractic really is at its core. I don’t care what method is used, or technique employed, the goal is always to remove interference to the nervous system so it- and thus every other bodily system- can function at its best. Of course how well each system can ultimately function is largely dependent upon everything else I do for myself, but if I can keep my nervous system running smoothly, I’m on it.

3) Get Acupuncture. Though I still couldn’t tell you exactly how Chinese Medicine works, I find it fascinating and swear by it. I use it to help me with things like stress relief, digestion, immune system boosting and overall well-being. I know there is some fear around the needle insertion, but they are so superficial even my 9 year old has successfully tolerated full acupuncture sessions.

4) Exercise. I. Heart. Exercise. So much so, that I have been known to do push-ups in the middle of my kitchen floor when I need to regroup. Seriously though, I enjoy it all. I run, I lift, I do barre and I do yoga. If I don’t exercise in some capacity, it’s just not as good of a day. I like to feel my muscles working and my lungs cycling air. And most importantly, I love to sweat. Given that skin is the largest detoxification organ in the human body, nothing cleans you out like sweating. Bottom line, the human body is meant to move.

5) Play. Yes, I enjoy playing with my kids but that’s not exactly what I’m talking about. I think “play” is a state of mind. When I approach a challenging task, I make it game. Yes, it’s a mind game, but if I can play with my kids, and play while I cook and play while I work, why wouldn’t I? And if there’s something in a day I can’t turn into “play” then I just make sure there’s another time that day where I crank up the music and dance.

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