VIEW HealthBit XVII: Fighting Dis-ease (Part 1)

I know there are endless tales of illness this winter and sometimes I wonder what it all means. Flu…Lyme Disease…or any illness for that matter. It’s a dis-ease. A state of imbalance, always of body, sometimes of mind and spirit too. In chiropractic school we learned what to do about these things. We adjust and remove interference to the nervous system. Energy can then flow seamlessly from “up, down, inside and out” and we heal. It always sounded so simple. And if we lived in a world without bugs and toxins and stress, that may be all we need. But we don’t. I wish we did, but we don’t. What we can do are things like get adjusted, get acupuncture, eat well, think well, exercise and improve our internal environment so the body can function optimally. Easier said than done, yes, but we have to try. Below I share a bit about my food choices and supplements (and those for the kids). Hope it helps, especially during this seemingly never-ending winter!

I eat a salad every day. This time of year I also eat soup a few times/week, preferably with a bone broth base, I eat a lot of veggies and fruits, sometimes in smoothie form, almost always organic (if I can help it). I don’t eat gluten. It hasn’t agreed with me for almost 8 years now, at least that’s how long I’ve recognized that it doesn’t agree with me. I eat very little dairy. If it sneaks into a dish at a restaurant, I don’t freak out, but you can bet I don’t seek it out. I drink tea. Lots of tea. I have my one cup of coffee in the morning, but the rest of day it’s herbal tea. I try to eat only grass fed beef, organic free range chicken and cage free eggs. I try to stop eating by 9pm almost every day. If it’s a good day, I stop by 6pm. No matter what, I eat a balanced diet and don’t freak out if I eat “badly” from time-to-time. We are human after all.

As for supplements, here they are (brands too):

  • Multi: Innate Response Formulas Women’s 40+ Multivitamin (it contains vitamins and minerals)
  • Fish Oil: Nordic Naturals ProOmega-D Xtra (it is mercury free)
  • Vitamin D (with K-2): aSquared Nutrition Vitamin D-3 & K-2
  • Vitamin C: Douglas Laboratories Vitamin C
  • Probiotic: Prescript-Assist broad spectrum probiotic & prebiotic
  • Turmeric: True Botanica Curcumin Plus (this one is a new addition but I am loving it)

And for the kids (these are all gummies or chewables):

  • Juice Plus: Juice Plus Chewables (Garden Blend & Orchard Blend)
  • Fish Oil: Nordic Naturals Nordic Omega-3 Gummies
  • Vitamin D (with K-2): aSquared Nutrition Vitamin D-3 & K-2
  • Probiotic: Nature’s Way Primadophilus Kids

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