VIEW HealthBit IV: Garlic the Great

Garlic is one of the few things on – and of – this earth that is anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and anti-viral. That’s a pretty big statement right there. It means it can fight off whatever is thrown at it. The “medicinal” benefits of garlic can be attributed to the chemical compound allicin. Keep in mind, to release allicin from garlic the clove must be cut and crushed.

I always saute vegetables in garlic and oil (either regular olive oil or coconut oil for its higher smoking point). I have also been known to slip some garlic in a smoothie, though beware, it completely overpowers every other taste. Garlic can even be roasted with a little olive oil, pink salt and pepper, which softens it so much it becomes a delicious spread. Elephant garlic is a larger, less potent form of garlic that works really well in this capacity. If, however, you have little ones around that are too young to ingest garlic, here is an all-natural trick that gets the allicin in their system (minus the eating).

This remedy requires two medium-sized cloves of garlic. You take the cloves and slice them long ways into about four-five sections each, pressing the slices to release the allicin. You then place each cut-up clove into its own baggy. So now you have about four-five slices of garlic in each little baggy (sandwich size is preferable for little feet). To that you add a few drops of any oil, enough to coat the garlic but not so much that there’s a puddle inside. You then slide the baggies onto the baby’s feet securing them with socks. Ideally, you want to make sure the garlic rests on the bottom of the baby’s foot for optimal absorption. Leave the secured baggies in place for about 15-20 minutes. Do not exceed 30 minutes because slight irritation can occur if the lubrication (aka oil) dries up. Have both a wet and dry paper towel on hand when you remove the socks and baggies to do a quick clean-up. This treatment can be done a few times per day if little ones are fighting something. I’ve done it up-to-four times/day on my boys when they were younger. I always found it easiest to apply when they were strapped in the high chair eating or playing. It may be a bit a stinky, and a little messy, but it works like a charm!

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