VIEW HealthBit II: H2O

The rule of thumb for water consumption is as follows:

Every day, drink 1/2 your body weight in ounces of water, PLUS an additional glass of water for every caffeinated beverage you consume.

(And no, sadly, seltzer/club soda is not the same. The carbonation actually makes the body more acidic, whereas water is alkaline.)

In case you were wondering why water is so important, here are a few (of the many) reasons:

  1. More than half (60% to be exact) of the human body is comprised of water.
  2. Every, single cell of the body requires H2O to operate.On a very basic level, cells cannot get nutrients in and remove toxins without water.   
  3. By the time you’re “thirsty” your body is already largely dehydrated.
  4. People often mistake hunger for dehydration,so be sure to drink a glass of water before you reach for food and see if the hunger remains after that.
  5. The human body can go weeks without food.  Water, on the other hand, barely a few days.

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